
Efficient Industrial Design

Qualtrend: EMI System

Beyond Statistical Process Control: Manufacturing Intelligence with QualTrend

Qualtrend: Transform data into enterprise business metrics

Qualtrend, an Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence (EMI) system, transforms plant floor quality data into real-time answers that make business strategies more effective and decision making much easier. QualTrend is an Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence system that helps you:

  • Extract and aggregate data from diverse plant-floor systems in multiple locations.
  • Transform data into Key Performance Indicators.
  • Automatically distribute decision-support information using the Internet or corporate intranet.

QualTrend details revealed

In manufacturing enterprises today valuable plant-level data resides in many diverse systems and formats. These systems and formats are often incompatible, forcing you to repeat time-consuming data-gathering steps. The data is also frequently dispersed in many locations, from individual cells in a department to multiple plants worldwide.

Key facts about Qualtrend:

  • Cost Effective solution: no need to change legacy systems
  • Summarize Plant-Floor Data in a Business Context
  • Real-Time Information
  • Analysis: QualTrend has hundreds of extensive statistical tools
  • Quick implementation, no storage investment needed

QualTrend overview

QualTrend overview

Few examples of customizable reports that have been created using QualTrend are following:

  • Real-Time production status
    QualTrend gives you the ability to check the status of your production facilities.
  • 6-Sigma Analysis Tools
    QualTrend supports Six Sigma initiatives through comprehensive and customizable analysis tools that will work for you.
  • Monitor Supplier Quality
    QualTrend extends your view into the supply chain by applying metrics to supplier information for at-a-glance analysis of supplier performance.

Customizable reports examples

Hardware requirements

Operating system
Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 (32-bit or 64-bit), Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
1-10 QualTrend users: 256 MB RAM
11-50 QualTrend users: 512 MB
51-100 QualTrend users: 1GB
Disk space
1GB available space
1-10 QualTrend users: 1GHz
11-50 QualTrend users: Dual 1.5 GHz
51-100 QualTrend users: Dual 2 GHz

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